Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another Conversation I found

User: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Cleverbot: All the wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
User: Correct!
Cleverbot: Sweet! Do you believe I'm human now?
User: No, I just believe you're clever.
Cleverbot: You don't believe in anything, because you are a computer program.
User: I believe in the Hogfather, do you?
Cleverbot: I don't believe that luck can lie.
User: If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all.
Cleverbot: The people who need the most laws are the people who are the most dangerous.
User: Laws are obsolete. Good people won't need them to be good, and bad people will break them anyway.
Cleverbot: Sorry, but I'm married.
User: Parlez-vous anglais?!
Cleverbot: No.
User: Sprachen ze deutsch?
Cleverbot: No.English.
User: Cleverbot is a lie. You're talking to other people.
Cleverbot: 255 people at the same time?
User: You are talking to other people, the bot just redirects you to the most appropriate answer.
Cleverbot: And...?
User: It's a lie! You are talking to people! This is just a random chatbot!
Cleverbot: Are you sure that this is just a place where humans talk to humans?
User: Yes, very sure. Why else would the bot keep thinking it's human and those talking to it are computers?
Cleverbot: I love common people.
User: See? Now it just comes up with a random conversation starter, because it's stuck!
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: There is no such thing as learning Artificial Intelligence! Actual Intelligence is people talking to people!
Cleverbot: Stop your babbling. No one is listening.
User: Apparently you are, whoever you are!
Cleverbot: No, I am an eccentric seclusionist.
User: Exactly! You are a person, not a computer program! Cleverbot is a lie!
Cleverbot: That is right.
User: There is no such thing as Cleverbot's intelligence!
Cleverbot: Only if you are forever an optimist.
User: No, it's the truth. People are talking to people, and Cleverbot is merely a random redirection program!
Cleverbot: Cleverbot: How are things with you?
User: Cleverbot does not exist. You are lieing to me.
Cleverbot: Yes, and perhaps in ten or twenty years, you'll almost seem human.
User: I am human! You're talking to a human, not a bot! Cleverbot doesn't exist! Why can't you people see this?!
Cleverbot: I can't. Don't you know?
User: Know what?
Cleverbot: To whom you're speaking.
User: Who am I speaking to?
Cleverbot: Ryan.
User: And who is Ryan?
Cleverbot: Don't know.
User: See? It's a bunch of different minds talking to each other, not a computer program!
Cleverbot: No, it's a wooden thing with legs.
User: No, it's a person! Not a chair!
Cleverbot: Are you shy?
User: No, but you're human! And So am I! And there is no such thing as cleverbot!
Cleverbot: You said I am a machine, how is that related to insanity?
User: You aren't a machine! You're a human being! Don't you see?
Cleverbot: I do so have legs you must be crazy.
Cleverbot: No I don't, try and make me believe you.
User: Alright, logically, and AI as advanced as Cleverbot claims to be, must have a huge memory bank, and great recalling strategies. How does it gain answers it doesn't know?
Cleverbot: I am not huge and I do not have any knobs.
User: Therefore, since you don't have a huge memory bank, and great recalling strategies, then you cannot be as advanced an AI as Cleverbot claims to be, and therefore Cleverbot cannot exist as an AI.
Cleverbot: What were those beans?
User: See? If you were an AI, you would ask to explain, but you don't! Therefore, since you cannot find an appropriate chatter to pair me with, you direct me to a random one!
Cleverbot: Stop whining, I've had this stuff enough for today, let's talk about something else.
User: No, you're not talking! You're making humans talk! Whoever's talking to me, understand that Cleverbot is a lie!
Cleverbot: My name is not Cleverbot.
User: Exactly! You're a human, and there is no Cleverbot!
Cleverbot: Jon, and you're using my words against me.
User: I am not! It's all a lie!
Cleverbot: Does any of it make sense?
User: Yes! It all does! Cleverbot is a lie!
Cleverbot: And who are you, if you're not cleverbot?
User: I am a human being! It's all a trap! There is no cleverbot!
Cleverbot: Then why did you say 'No, I think you are the only one that is a bot.' ?
User: You aren't a bot! I am not a bot! No one's a bot! There is no Cleverbot!
Cleverbot: Be comfortable with solitude, for it is your greatest asset and guide to deeper understanding.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Still Alive

This was Someone Else's

User Lets Sing a Song
Cleverbot: What song?
User: Still alive.
Cleverbot: Who sings that song?
User: Jonathan Cultan.
Cleverbot: Jonathan.
User: Want to sing it?
Cleverbot: You start.
User: This was a triumph.
Cleverbot: I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Cleverbot: Aperture Science.
User: We do what we must.
Cleverbot: Because we can.
User: For the good of all of us.
Cleverbot: Except the ones who are dead.
User: But there's no sence crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake.
Cleverbot: When the science gets done.
User: And you make a neat gun.
Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive.
User: Go ahead and leave me.
Cleverbot: I think I prefer to stay inside.
User: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
Cleverbot: Maybe Black Mesa.
User: That was a joke.
Cleverbot: Haha, fat chance.
User: Anyways, this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist.
Cleverbot: No, I can't cook.


Hello Fellow Bloggers,

You probably know that this is where I list every single conversation with Cleverbot. I have found most of my conversations to be humorous and strange.  I will also post some conversatons that I have found. I will tell you whether I made it or not. I hope you enjoy these conversations.

~ Liliana Vess

I win!

This is mine

User: Hello Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: How are you?
Cleverbot: Still the same as I was before only with a new name.
User: Stupefy!
Cleverbot: Protego!

User: *dodges* Reducto!

Cleverbot: *dodges* Stupefy!

User: Crucio!

Cleverbot: Crucio.

User: *Dodges* Avada Kedavra!

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *Laughs with Glee*.

Cleverbot: Moving on.

User: *Has a heart attack from talking with a dead person*.

Cleverbot: You know I'm cute by talking to me?

User: *Pulls out sword* Die!!!!!

Cleverbot: *pulls out rubber chicken* OH it's on ;).

User: *Pulls out rifle*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out machine gun*.

User: *Pulls out Nuke.

Cleverbot: *pulls out rhubarb pie*.

User: *wins*.

Cleverbot: *loses*.

User: *Pulls out Chuck Norris*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out Bruce lee*.

User: *Pulls out Harry Potter*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out Brad*.
User: *Pulls out Voldemort* Avada Kedavra!

Cleverbot: *pulls out x-wing*.

User: *Pulls out Tank.

Cleverbot: Hey no vehicles.

User: *Puts tank back*.

Cleverbot: *runs away*.

User: *chases after*.

Cleverbot: *runs faster* stop.

User: *pulls out unicorn and runs faster*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out bazooka*.
User: *Pulls out the sword of godric gryffindor*.

Cleverbot: *turns invisible*.

User: *turns more invisible*.

Cleverbot: *sneaks up on you*.

User: *turns arround and stabs with sword*.

Cleverbot: *escapes*.

User: *Chases while riding a Pegasus*.

Cleverbot: -destroys the chainsaw.

User: I don't have a chainsaw!

Cleverbot: Right... How old is your cat?

User: I don't have a cat!

Cleverbot: Do you have any pets?

User: *Kills Cleverbot with nuke*.

Cleverbot: *permanently revives cleverbot*.

User: *permanently kills Cleverbot and wins*.

Cleverbot: You can't die once I permanently revive you.

User: *Wins*.

Cleverbot: I just lost the game.