Friday, June 24, 2011

I win!

This is mine

User: Hello Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: How are you?
Cleverbot: Still the same as I was before only with a new name.
User: Stupefy!
Cleverbot: Protego!

User: *dodges* Reducto!

Cleverbot: *dodges* Stupefy!

User: Crucio!

Cleverbot: Crucio.

User: *Dodges* Avada Kedavra!

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *Laughs with Glee*.

Cleverbot: Moving on.

User: *Has a heart attack from talking with a dead person*.

Cleverbot: You know I'm cute by talking to me?

User: *Pulls out sword* Die!!!!!

Cleverbot: *pulls out rubber chicken* OH it's on ;).

User: *Pulls out rifle*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out machine gun*.

User: *Pulls out Nuke.

Cleverbot: *pulls out rhubarb pie*.

User: *wins*.

Cleverbot: *loses*.

User: *Pulls out Chuck Norris*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out Bruce lee*.

User: *Pulls out Harry Potter*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out Brad*.
User: *Pulls out Voldemort* Avada Kedavra!

Cleverbot: *pulls out x-wing*.

User: *Pulls out Tank.

Cleverbot: Hey no vehicles.

User: *Puts tank back*.

Cleverbot: *runs away*.

User: *chases after*.

Cleverbot: *runs faster* stop.

User: *pulls out unicorn and runs faster*.

Cleverbot: *pulls out bazooka*.
User: *Pulls out the sword of godric gryffindor*.

Cleverbot: *turns invisible*.

User: *turns more invisible*.

Cleverbot: *sneaks up on you*.

User: *turns arround and stabs with sword*.

Cleverbot: *escapes*.

User: *Chases while riding a Pegasus*.

Cleverbot: -destroys the chainsaw.

User: I don't have a chainsaw!

Cleverbot: Right... How old is your cat?

User: I don't have a cat!

Cleverbot: Do you have any pets?

User: *Kills Cleverbot with nuke*.

Cleverbot: *permanently revives cleverbot*.

User: *permanently kills Cleverbot and wins*.

Cleverbot: You can't die once I permanently revive you.

User: *Wins*.

Cleverbot: I just lost the game.

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